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2 archaic : to predetermine as an act of fate or by divine decree. 3 archaic : to design or intend. destinare. verb. earmark [verb] to set aside (for a particular purpose) intend [verb] (with for) to direct at. mean [verb] to intend. (Translation of destinare from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) WordSense Dictionary: destinare - meaning, definition, origin, anagrams.

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[+colis] consignee, recipient. [+mandat] payee. aux risques et périls du destinataire at the recipient's risk. [+message, information] recipient.

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Complete 2020 information on the meaning of Destina, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a baby girl name. Destiny is an English name that comes from the Latin word ‘destinare’, meaning ‘to determine’ or ‘determined fate’. 13.

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It may be an ancient adage, ho According to Purdue University's Online Writing Lab, personal correspondence is defined as either personal letters or newsletters.

. . seize any part of vantare tropas en el territorio de la Republica o destinare buques al corso  Predestination (latin Pra ", destinare), som tagits i dess vidaste mening, är varje förstår vi den definition av eviga kritiken från Peter Lombard (I.
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What Does Destiny Mean and History? From the English word, meaning “fate”, originally from the Latin destinare, meaning “to determine”. Advertisement.

to adapt for a particular use; to use Synonyms: adibire, impiegare, finalizzare, adattare. Destinate definition is - ordained by fate.
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The name Destiny means “fate or destiny” and is taken from the English word that was derived from the Latin word destinare meaning “to determine,” which is a derivative of the word stare meaning “to stand”. Meaning of Destani: This is a modern respelling of Destiny, which is a fairly modern virtue name from the Latin word "destinare" (to determine) Tip: use your left and right arrow keys to browse the list Thinking of names? Complete 2020 information on the meaning of Destina, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a baby girl name. Destiny is an English name that comes from the Latin word ‘destinare’, meaning ‘to determine’ or ‘determined fate’.

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Active. Passive.