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Jan Secher was also CEO of the chemical company Jan SECHER | Cited by 62 | of University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen | Read 16 publications | Contact Jan SECHER Joachim Ludwig is Director at Ferrostaal GmbH. View Joachim Ludwig’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Jan Secher firar namnsdag 11 januari. På Eniro kan du hitta Jans telefonnummer, adress, samt intressanta fakta om bostad och närområde. Få reda på bolagsengagemang, tomtstorlek, och mycket mer. Under den senaste akademisammankomsten valdes sju nya ledamöter in i Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA. Bland de invalda finns Ylva Fältholm, rektor vid högskolan i Gävle, Jan Secher, koncernchef för Perstorp och professor Charlotta Turner, Lunds universitet.

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The Chief Executive Officer Jan Secher will leave the company in accordance with a Change of Control arrangement agreed with him. Chief Financial Officer Robert Moll has already resigned from his post. Facing the successful rescue mission, the Executive Board of Ferrostaal was relieved: „We are very happy that we were able to evacuate all our teams from the different camps as well as from our sites in Tripoli and Brega, most of them under very difficult circumstances”, Jan Secher, Ferrostaal’s Chief Executive Officer said at the end of Effective of 1 October 2010, Dr. Maria Lahaye-Geusen (50) has been appointed as head of Corporate Communications at Ferrostaal AG. She is reporting to CEO Jan Secher, who took office in June 2010. “We are very happy that we were able to evacuate all our teams from the different camps as well as from our sites in Tripoli and Brega, most of them under very difficult circumstances,” Jan Secher, Ferrostaal’s CEO said at the end of the evacuation. Schroeder versteht wenig vom Kerngeschäft.

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Jan Secher is currently. President and Chief Executive Officer, Director - Perstorp (org chart) Director - Elekta Instrument (org chart) Create an alert to follow the career of Jan Secher.

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Medicine Elekta Previously President and CEO of Ferrostaal AG from 2010 to 2012, operating partner of the US private equity fund Apollo in London from 2009 to 2010, CEO of Clariant AG in Basel from 2006 to 2008 and CEO of SICPA in Lausanne from 2003 to 2005. Jan Secher.

Secher succeeds CEO Mitscherlich who was dismissed on corruption charges. Photo: ROLAND WEIHRAUCH - D58W63 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. The employees were evacuated by flights from Tripoli, by land to Algeria and Tunisia as well as by a ferry to Malta, especially chartered by Ferrostaal. “We are very happy that we were able to evacuate all our teams from the different camps as well as from our sites in Tripoli and Brega, most of them under very difficult circumstances,” Jan Secher, Ferrostaal’s CEO said at the end of the duisport and Ferrostaal found joint venture (Company news) The international logistics service provider and operator of the Port of The Chief Executive Officer Jan Secher will leave the company in accordance with a Change of Control arrangement agreed with him. Jan was Chief Executive Officer, Vorstandsvorstizender at Ferrostaal AG, and Operating Partner at Apollo Management.
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Perstorp, Sweden - Speciality chemical producer Perstorp Holding AB that Perstorp president and CEO, Martin Lundin, will be leaving his position and that Jan Secher, most recently CEO of Ferrostaal AG, will succeed him in the role.Lundin will remain involved in certain strategic projects of… Jan Secher. Medicine Elekta President and CEO of Perstorp AB from September 2013. Previously President and CEO of Ferrostaal AG from 2010 to 2012, Engineering News Online provides real time news reportage through originated written,video and audio material. Each week,an average of 240 899-page impressions are generated by over 64 719 online The Ferrostaal Executive Board will in future be headed jointly by John Benjamin Schroeder (responsible for the Americas) and Klaus Lesker (Asia Pacific and Africa).

The Nomination Committee of Elekta proposes Jan Secher as new member of Elekta Board of Directors. Mr. Secher is President and CEO of Ferrostaal AG. The Ferrostaal Executive Board will in future be headed jointly by John Benjamin Schroeder (responsible for the Americas) and Klaus Lesker (Asia Pacific and Africa). Acting Executive Board members Kay Hanns Ewaldsen (COO) and Joachim Ludwig (CFO) will be retained on the new Executive Board.
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I början av 2008 fanns det 4 stora Rikke Zink Secher. Jmf-index. Lehman Euro-Aggregate 500  J. Ohnell, ------H. Cederberg, ------H. Cederbergs Eftr. ------H.