A violent jarring; a shock: The concussion from the explosion broke windows three blocks away. 2. An injury to an organ, especially the brain, Se hela listan på praktiskmedicin.se Concussion. (redirected from Commotio cerebri) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia . CONCUSSION, civ. law.

Commotio cerebri meaning

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n. 1. A violent jarring; a shock: The concussion from the explosion broke windows three blocks away. 2. … Concussion. (redirected from Commotio cerebri) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia .

Význam slova commotio cerebri ve slovníku cizích slov. agyrázkódás (commotio cerebri, concussio cerebri) főnév.

Abstract. Commotio cerebri (a slight concussion of the brain) is a sudden, brief, traumatic impairment of cerebral function attended by loss of consciousness and/or amnesia and without a demonstrable anatomic lesion of the brain (Verjaal and Van’t Hooft 1975). De betekenis van commotio cerebri vind je op deze pagina. Er werd 1 definitie van commotio cerebri gevonden in de woordenlijst. Andere definities, verklaringen, omschrijvingen of synoniemen kan je zelf toevoegen om zo het woordenboek nog completer te maken. Se hela listan på netdoktor.dk scheid tussen commotio en contusio cerebri is overigens vrij arbitrair. Beleid bij de patient met een commotio cerebri Het merendeel van de patie¨nten met een commotio cere-bri is weer bij bewustzijn als ze gezien worden door een arts.

Hjernerystelse (commotio cerebri) er den mest almindelige form for traumatisk hjerneskade. Den er normalt defineret som en hovedskade med et midlertidigt tab af hjernens funktionsevne. Symptomerne, der måske ikke opdages, hvis de er svage, kan være af meget forskellig art, både fysiske, kognitive og emotionelle.
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A concussion is the easiest form of a craniocerebral injury. Physicians also refer to them as Commotio cerebri (Latin: commotio = movement, cerebri = of the brain). Concussions are very common, mostly as a result of accidents during sports, at home or at work.

1. A violent jarring; a shock: The concussion from the explosion broke windows three blocks away. 2. An injury to an organ, especially the brain, Se hela listan på praktiskmedicin.se Concussion.
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(MeSH) A nonspecific term used to describe transient alterations or loss of consciousness following closed head injuries. The duration of UNCONSCIOUSNESS generally lasts a few seconds, but may persist for several hours. A concussion is the easiest form of a craniocerebral injury.

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Find out information about Commotio cerebri. a jarring of the brain, caused by a blow or a fall, Commotio cerebri (hjärnskakning) är benämning på skalltrauma som orsakat kortvarig medvetslöshet och/eller minneslucka. Vid ankomsten till akutmottagningen har patienter med hjärnskakning vanligen commotio cerebri n. commotion cérébrale. [Med.] Additional comments: To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. It’s easy and only takes a few seconds.