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Train service employees will be called back to work in seniority order. 2. You must have current address and phone number updated with CMS unless you have been granted a leave of absence in accordance to rule 88. 3. SMART; Other Links; Agreements.

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Smart Utu Agreements Thursday, December 17th, 2020 Click below to see important documents such as the UTU Constitution, wage rates, the Railway Works Act and national railway agreements in.pdf format. You can also browse the national rail agreements by text by clicking on the search link. Smart Utu Agreements. 12.

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Some have been implemented already, while others will be Crew Management, Harriman Dispatching Center, Telecom, and Intermodal agreement professionals are managed under separate Attendance Policies. Policies are posted on UP's employee website and can be found by searching for "Attendance".

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We are a broad-based, transportation labor union representing about 125,000 active and retired railroad, bus and mass transit workers in the United States. We are the SMART Transportation Division (formerly known as the United Transportation Union or UTU), an AFL-CIO affiliate headquartered in the Cleveland suburb of North Olmsted, Ohio. We are a broad-based, transportation labor union representing about 125,000 active and retired railroad, bus and mass transit workers in the United States. SMART Transportation Division GO898. We are empowered to interpret, negotiate, and sign agreements affecting our ground service members.

1. Train service employees will be called back to work in seniority order.
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Covered under NRLA. RE: Uniform Investigation Rule for UTU represented employees. that an employee may waive a hearing in accordance with Article II(b) of this Agreement. This digital collection is provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University. The information provided is for noncommercial  B. As a sufficient number of RCO-qualified UTU-represented employees are trained, they may be used to train ground service employees during the on-the- job  1 Feb 2018 effect on June 30, 2016 for employees covered by this Agreement shall be and Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)  XIII, Section 2 of the National UTU Agreement dated October 31, 1985, and this.

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1993 UTU Crew Consist Agreement.pdf. 1997 14 Hours Rest-Pools.pdf. 1999 4-Part.pdf.

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National Agreements Click on the agreement below to download the document to your computer. 11-20-56 BLF&E National Agreement (21pp) 4-5-57 BRT/E-W-SE CCC* National Agreement (23pp) 6-12-57 ORC&B/E-W-SE CCC* National Agreement (15pp) 3-08-57 SUNA National Agreement (14pp) 9-04-57 BLF&E National Agreement (10pp) You can check out SMART-TD’s website or the NCCC’s website to see who was involved in the last national agreement we have. 1978-08-25 UTU National Bereavement Leave.pdf. 1978-08-25 UTU National Firemen & Training Agreement.pdf. 1985-10-31 UTU National Agreement Q&A.pdf. 1985-10-31 UTU National Agreement.pdf.