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your profile download the Insurance Professional's Guide to LinkedIn  LinkedIn Learning is available at no cost to all active faculty, staff (including temporary employees) and students at the University of Michigan. Formerly Lynda.com, this How to Use LinkedIn Learning Guide. LinkedIn Learning provide A strong LinkedIn profile could open the way to finding graduate job opportunities . Find out what you need to include in your profile to stand out from the crowd.

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Better Employee Engagement There’s a white elephant in the room, and it’s saying, “Why encourage my employees to make themselves more marketable on LinkedIn? Low employee engagement is a common problem in the public sector, with Gallup reporting that 71% of US government workers are unengaged. How can LinkedIn Learning drive employee engagement at your organization? Research shows that employees who feel like they can grow in their roles are far more motivated. How do you evaluate employees when you have workers in multiple locations? Even if you work in the same place as your staff, you can't always judge one worker's output against another, but when it comes to appraisal time, comparing your sta Preventing employee turnover and retaining good talent can be an ongoing issue for some companies.

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At Guide Dogs Victoria, we provide vital support for Victorians with low vision or blindness. We have done since 1957. Today, we lead as a trusted community organisation with services beyond our beloved Guide Dogs themselves. 2019-08-09 2020-10-06 Here’s a few tips for your LinkedIn company page, as well as a quick guide on how your employees should be using it. Maximise the benefits of LinkedIn for your brand, company, and for your employees themselves. Create or update your company page Ensure your company page is accurate, up-to-date and flawless.

Better Employee Engagement There’s a white elephant in the room, and it’s saying, “Why encourage my employees to make themselves more marketable on LinkedIn? Low employee engagement is a common problem in the public sector, with Gallup reporting that 71% of US government workers are unengaged.
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Career experts at Harvard employees can hear how important talent and learning are to the business. How to Make it Happen 01 03 02 04 The Power of LinkedIn Learning: With LinkedIn Learning, you can create a new hire group in the platform to guide new employees to online learning content unique to them. Use the Custom Content Basic Guide for Getting Started on LinkedIn .

#InItTogether Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. Keep your job descriptions clear, don’t ask for too much and sell your job and company. Make sure your descriptions address what LinkedIn identifies as the top three things candidates want to know about your company: Spotlight employees in status updates. Highlighting new hires and employees on your company page humanizes your company.
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Increasing your social media presence is one proven way to do that. Plus, satisfied employees sharing your LinkedIn company page is your best recruitment tool when you need to hire more talent. 2020-03-27 2019-06-17 This guide will show you how to use LinkedIn for business, equip you with the best tools, and help you get the most out of your LinkedIn marketing strategy. Bonus: Download a free guide that shows the 11 tactics Hootsuite’s social media team used to grow their LinkedIn audience from 0 to 278,000 followers.

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