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Birth Order and Voter Turnout
Titlar. American Political Science Review. ISSN. 1537-5943; 0003-0554. Ytterligare sökbara ISSN (elektroniska), 1537-5943. Förlag, Cambridge University Titel, American Political Science Review (Tidskrift).
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Abstract. It is increasingly common for social scientists to describe political processes as “path dependent.”. The concept, however, is often employed without careful elaboration. This article conceptualizes path dependence as a social process grounded in a dynamic of “increasing returns.”.
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Dato/periode. 2018. Forskningsområden. American Political Science Review (Tidskrift).
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Voya Financial, +9 more Accounting Team Lead at Phoenix American Financial Services, Inc. Phoenix American American Political Science Review 69 : 920 – 925 Garrett , Geoffrey ( 1998 ) Partisan Politics in Economy . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press the Global World Politics 45 : 595 – 628 . Pierson , Paul . 2000a . ” Increasing returns , path dependence and the study of politics .
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Ogilvy, +1 more. London School of Economics and Political Science, +1 more Trade Review Principal at Voya Financial. Voya Financial, +9 more Accounting Team Lead at Phoenix American Financial Services, Inc. Phoenix American
American Political Science Review 69 : 920 – 925 Garrett , Geoffrey ( 1998 ) Partisan Politics in Economy . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press the Global
World Politics 45 : 595 – 628 .
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Perspectives Submission Guidelines; PS: Political Science & Politics. PS Submission Guidelines; Journal of Political Science Education; Political Science Today; Books 2008-10-20 · EndNote Styles - American Political Science Review. All Clarivate Analytics websites use cookies to improve your online experience. American Political Science Review. 7 hrs ·. In parliamentary representation, the gender gap remains large across the globe. In a new APSR FirstView Wahman, Frantzeskakis, and Yildirim ask, "Do female presidents empower female legislators?" http://ow.ly/elCf50DRfgr.