EQT Infrastructure V launches offer to acquire all outstanding
EQT IX lägger bud på Recipharm – värderat till 17,9 miljarder
1. AK&M 15 December 2020 12:32. Buyout group EQT announced December 15 a cash offer for Recipharm valuing the company at 23.6 billion Swedish crowns ($2.80 billion), as it was informed by EQT. Som en mycket aktiv investerare inom den globala hälsovårdssektorn, är EQT väl positionerade att hjälpa Recipharm att framtidssäkra verksamheten och accelerera sin tillväxt. Vi är övertygade om att vi kan tillföra betydande värde, både i form av expertis och kapital, säger Erika Henriksson, Partner på EQT Partners och investeringsrådgivare åt EQT IX, i en skriftlig kommentar. In December 2020, EQT IX, through Roar BidCo AB, announced a public offer of SEK 220 in cash per share to the shareholders of Recipharm AB and SEK 1,427,010 in cash per Convertible Bond. The class B shares in Recipharm are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap. Riskkapitalbolaget EQT höjer budet på Recipharm från 220 till 232 kronor per aktie och konvertibelägarna erbjuds 1 504 295 kronor per Konvertibel.
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EQT wants to support Recipharm’s continued development, which will require significant and long-term investments.” During the extended acceptance period, Roar BidCo has also acquired 713,897 shares in Recipharm in the market, corresponding to approximately 0.7 per cent ofthe share capital and approximately 0.2 per cent of the voting rights in Recipharm[6]. No acquisitions were made at a price that exceeds the consideration in the Revised Offer. On 11 February 2021, the European Commission announced that it has decided under Article 6(1)(b) of the EU Merger Regulation to approve the acquisition of joint control of Recipharm by EQT… EQT's bid also follows news from Recipharm that a molecule it's developing, Erdosteine, appeared to help Covid patients recover after they were discharged from hospital. The company, whose biggest shareholder is the Swedish state with a roughly 16 per cent stake, has seen its share price gain about 36 per cent this year.
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Finwire. Publicerad 2021-01-28. Konvertibelinnehavarna erbjuds 1 504 295 2021-03-01 15:30:00 Tender offer, Roar BidCo offentliggör slutligt utfall i erbjudandet till aktieägarna i Recipharm AB (publ) och Konvertibelinnehavarna. Riskkapitalbolaget EQT lägger, genom bolaget Roar Bidco, ett bud på kontraktstillverkaren Recipharm som har en anläggning i bland annat Recipharms styrelseordförande Lars Backsell och vd Thomas Eldered, som är indirekta aktieägare, deltar i erbjudandet.
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Benzinga. 12-14. Roar BidCo has secured ownership of approximately 25.7% of the shares and 74.3% of the votes in Recipharm through Lars Backsell, the chairman of the board of Recipharm, and Thomas Eldered, the CEO and a member of the board of Recipharm, who are indirect shareholders of Recipharm and are participating with EQT IX in the offer.
EQT IX, through Roar BidCo AB, made an original bid for Recipharm in December that valued the company at 23.64 billion Swedish kronor ($2.85 billion), but raised the bid to SEK24.93 billion last month. EQT said Monday it’s offering shareholders 220 kronor in cash per share, 23% more than Friday’s closing price. Recipharm is a 25-year-old company that specializes in outsourcing contract manufacturing services to help pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs.
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Bud EQT IX genom Roar Bidco lägger bud på Recipharm, uppgående till 220 kronor kontant per aktie. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. I erbjudandet ingår också 1.427.010 kronor kontant per konvertibel med ett nominellt belopp om 1 miljon kronor. Lars Backsell, styrelseordförande i Recipharm, och Thomas Eldered, vd och To the Board of Directors of Recipharm AB (publ) On December 14, 2020, EQT IX (“EQT”), through Roar BidCo AB (“Roar BidCo”), announced a public tender offer to the shareholders of Recipharm AB (“Recipharm”) to tender all their shares in Recipharm to Roar BidCo for SEK 220 per share and SEK 1,427,010 per convertible bond. EQT: Roar BidCo förklarar erbjudandet till aktieägarna i Recipharm AB (publ) och Konvertibelinnehavarna ovillkorat och kommer att förvärva samtliga aktier och Konvertibler som lämnats in.
14 December 2020. #Press Release. EQT wants to support Recipharm’s continued development, which will require significant and long-term investments.” EQT offers to acquire Swedish CDMO Recipharm for $2.8bn Recipharm’s board of directors has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank as financial advisor, while its legal advisor is Vinge for the company in connection with the takeover proposal.
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Roar BidCo offentliggör slutligt utfall i erbjudandet till
The transaction will be routed through Roar BidCo AB, a limited liability company established on Nov. 10, 2020, wholly-owned by EQT. Why Does It Matter: The purchased consideration is fixed at 220 SEK per share in cash, a 23% premium on 2020-12-14 Stockholm-based EQT has already secured ownership of about 25.7% of the shares and 74.3% of the votes in Recipharm through its chairman, Lars Backsell, and Thomas Eldered, its chief executive. The deal is worth 17.9 billion kronor, or about $2.1 billion.
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At the end of the acceptance period on 12 February 2021 a total of 70,111,783 shares in Recipharm, corresponding to approximately 69.5 per cent[4 ]of the share capital and approximately 23.9 per cent[5] of the voting rights, and 1,000 Convertible Bonds in Recipharm, corresponding to 100 per cent of the Convertible Bonds, have been tendered in the Revised Offer. 2020-12-14 · EQT said it was bidding 220 crowns per Recipharm share, a 22.9% premium to Recipharm's closing price on Friday. EQT said it had secured ownership of around 25.7% of Recipharm shares and 74.3% of EQT said it had secured ownership of around 25.7 per cent of Recipharm shares and 74.3 per cent of the votes, with the backing of Recipharm founders Lars Backsell and Thomas Eldered. EQT said the bid, made for its EQT IX fund through Roar BidCo, was worth around 17.9 billion crowns for the shares and convertible bonds it did not control. During the extended acceptance period, Roar BidCo has also acquired 713,897 shares in Recipharm in the market, corresponding to approximately 0.7 per cent ofthe share capital and approximately 0.2 During the extended acceptance period, Roar BidCo has also acquired 713,897 shares in Recipharm in the market, corresponding to approximately 0.7 per cent ofthe share capital and approximately 0.2 per cent of the voting rights in Recipharm[6]. No acquisitions were made at a price that exceeds the consideration in the Revised Offer.