Cinahl Filter - Luleå tekniska universitet, LTU - forskning och


Cinahl Filter - Luleå tekniska universitet, LTU - forskning och

Bland referenserna finns även böcker, avhandlingar, informationsskrifter och konferensrapporter. Innehåller referenser till vetenskapliga artiklar inom omvårdnad och rehabilitering. Kräver inloggning utanför regionens IP-område. Endast tillgänglig för personal vid DS, Karolinska och SÖS samt enheter med biblioteksavtal. Cinahl innehåller referenser till vetenskapliga artiklar inom omvårdnad och rehabilitering. Du kommer åt Cinahl via bibliotekets sida INNAN DU BÖRJAR Medicinska fakulteten Lunds universitet Box 117 221 00 LUND Telefon: 046-222 00 00 (växel)


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CINAHL Complete. Authoritative resource covering nursing and allied health. Includes abstracts of many titles. Use Chrome,  CINAHL is the authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This database provides indexing for more  CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Database name starts with: Description: Indexes majority of English-language nursing journals including publications from state  Ladda ner Ebscohost appen; Öppna Cinahl; Scrolla längst ner och klicka på EBSCOhost iPhone and Android Applications; Fyll i din e-post för att få ett mejl med  9 okt.

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Includes abstracts and selected full text. Coverage goes back to 1981. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. CINAHL (Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature) is the leading English-language nursing database.

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Cinahl Search Examples Ppt Ebsco Login to Cinahl and Medline with Full-Text for NHS . av L Karlsson · 2019 — 28. 11. Förslag till vidare forskning. 28.

Åtkomst: Inom Högskolan +  värvetenskaplig databas. Tillgänglig endast via nätverket Eduroam eller via VPN. CINAHL Complete.
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via: EBSCOHost. CINAHL plus Pre-CINAHL indexes close to 3,000 English- language journals covering: nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship,   CINAHL is an authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. It has broad content coverage including 50   CINAHL Plus with Full Text provides authoritative coverage of the literature related to nursing and allied health. It indexes publications of the American Nurses  10 Mar 2021 CINAHL® subject headings are used to index the literature contained in the database. These subject headings were developed to reflect the  Gain access to informative health literature with CINAHL, the authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and  CINAHL Plus with Full Text (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature).

CINAHL usually provides bibliographic information about a publication (such as its author(s), title, year published, and other publication information), and may often provide access to the full text of an article where the its full content can be found. CINAHL has various features that help refine a search for articles.

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Cinahl Database Website - Fox On Green

CINAHL usually provides bibliographic information about a publication (such as its author(s), title, year published, and other publication information), and may often provide access to the full text of an article where the its full content can be found. CINAHL has various features that help refine a search for articles. CINAHL is a research database that indexes many nursing journals and allows you to search by keyword for articles on your research topic.

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Introduktion till CINAHL - PDFSLIDE.TIPS

Innehåller referenser till artiklar från ca 2 800 tidskrifter, avhandlingar och en del böcker inom omvårdnad och närliggande områden från 1982 och framåt. Ämnen: Omvårdnad. Oral hälsa. Länk: Cinahl. 2020-08-17 Background: The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is generally thought to be a good source to search when conducting a review of qualitative evidence. Case studies have suggested that using CINAHL could be essential for reviews of qualitative studies covering topics in the nursing field, but it is unclear whether this can be extended more generally to reviews of Cinahl Plus with Full Text.