Pomeron - Pomeron - qaz.wiki


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Then we present the results obtained from nonperturbative QCD for high energy scattering. There we can extract from elastic scattering data the parameters describing the QCD vacuum, in particular the string tension. First we take into account the coupling of the pomeron and odderon on the minimal level, introducing all nonlinear terms different from zero but restricting the partial waves for both ϕ and ψ to l = 0 (that is taking the pomeron at L = 0 and odderon at L = 1) The resulting Pomeron ϕ 0 coupled to odderon ψ 0 and the corresponding gluon density turn out to be practically the same as without The use of pomeron/odderon trajectories in central exclusive production is outlined in Sec. 3. A simple analytic Regge trajectory is presented in Sec. 4. Single and double pole Regge fits to elastic scattering data are described in Sec. 5 and Sec. 6. Pomeron-pomeron and odderon-odderon total cross sections are derived in Sec. 7. Masses and Pomeron which includes the eikonal corrections (or survival probability) and triple-Pomeron and higher order corrections in a Reggeon calculus.


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A realistic model for the Pomeron is proposed on the basis of two mechanisms of multiperipheral and diffractive productions. It is a basic assumption. Lipatov (BFKL) Pomeron [1].

Analysis of the QCD Evolution in the Pomeron and a Search for

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