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Getting to the top in book publishing has traditionally been a  Publishing with Apress Apress offers authors the chance to work with a publisher with the marketing, distribution, Free shipping for print books worldwide. From fiction to non-fiction, STEM books to graphic novels, book publishers have created a wealth of content to support educators, librarians, booksellers, parents   Computer Book Publisher Links Computer book publishers publish books about programming and hardware for the consumer and educational market. Here is a  Routledge & CRC Press are imprints of Taylor & Francis. Together they are the global leader in academic book publishing for the humanities, social sciences,  TCK Publishing is a traditional book publisher that publishes mass market fiction and nonfiction. Discover our best selling books, new releases, and special  7 Aug 2019 The publisher is a firm or organization responsible for issuing the publication or website. For book, the publisher is generally a publisher which  What We're Reading.