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Total cash value ( which includes futures P&L) + commodities options value. There is a  The liquidation ratio is the ratio in which the client's capital to the total portfolio value reaches a point where some or all of the client's positions will be liquidated. Your net liquidation value reflects how much the contents of your portfolio would be worth if you were to liquidate everything at the current market price. I have a  An account must have at least USD 100,000 (or USD equivalent) in Net Liquidation Value to be eligible for a Portfolio Margin account. Visit our How- To page for  The Portfolio seeks high level of current income consistent with the preservation of capital and liquidity. Daily Prices. as of April 9, 2021.

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av D Gustafsson · 2014 — Definitionen av ROCE används till fördel för ROA (Net Income/Total Assets) En portfölj bestående av de 20 till 30 lägst rankande bolagen bildar sedan ∆LIQ. -​0,02 -0,04 -0,01 -0,05 0,04 -0,01 0,00 -0,03. -0,28. -0,02. 0,19.

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Net Liquidation Value (NLV) – это текущая  – Percentage move in an underlying security price in which an account will lose 100% of its equity (Net Liquidation Value =$0), beyond this point the account will   In other words, if a company is trading below its  The net exposure of an equity portfolio measures any long or short bias of the portfolio. It only includes the exposure of the stock positions, any risk free position   Net liq is the value of your portfolio assumed at the mid-price.