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A dig is a defensive play made on a hard driven ball. Terms for volleyball blocking. Single, double, triple block, middle blocker, strong side blocker, joust, penetration, getting stuffed, turning in, fish American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) KILLS--any attack that lands for a point Also, award a KILL when..a free ball crosses the net and lands on the floor.a set, intentional or not, crosses the net and lands on the attack is blocked out of bounds or in the net. Tegqn, the D/S could technically go in for a front row player, but that would defeat the purpose of the position (unless you were running out of substitutions or a situation like that). of course volleyball teams do all sorts of switch ups to keep in an optimal rotation so anything is really possible.
You just studied 23 terms! Now up your study game with Learn … a ball that falls to the floor in an area thats surrounded by two three four or more players. at the instant after the ball hits the floor it appears as if the players are encircling and staring at the campfire. center line. the boundary that runs directly under the net and divides the court into two equal halves.
Games must be won by at least 2 points. For example, if a game is being played to 25 points, if a 24-24 tie occurs, the game isn t over until a team leads by 2 points. Matches are a made up of games. This is the term used when a stray ball interferes with a play at hand on the volleyball court and the play or rally that was currently being played out would be re-played.
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This crossword puzzle, “ Volleyball terms, ” was created using the Crossword Hobbyist puzzle maker Do you know a Volleyball Term that is not listed here?
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Volleyball terms and definitions for success in volleyball. Defining the "Spike" Spiking is the most fun part of playing volleyball.
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This period, from the point it i I have an idea, it would be useful for all of us to have a list of volleyball words in various languages. I can start with a list in Italian. I hope every one can make a list in the language they know. So everybody would be able to read statistics and have a basic comprehension of a volleyball article in a language we don't know.
Attack Line: A line 3m from the net that separates the front row players from the back row players.
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center line. the boundary that runs directly under the net and divides the court into two equal halves. The player who puts the ball into play. SERVICE ERROR.
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