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Make sure you look extensively at past sample TOK essays to get a better idea of what kinds of TOK questions are suitable. More knowledge questions that are closer to essay-ready knowledge questions will be posted at a later date. 1. “Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust.” 2014-10-04 · A Knowledge Claim is a claim about a certain Area of Knowledge or belief that you find to be true. A Knowledge Claim can be very personal or it can be agreed upon by the majority of people. Any statement that claims that something is true can be considered a Knowledge Claim, and it is our job in TOK to question every Knowledge Claim we encounter and find out if it is really true, if possible.

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We all have distinctive qualities which define us but what we all have in common is the capability to use our knowledge to the best of our abilities. The areas of knowledge roughly correspond with the groups of study within the IB programme, even though there are some additional realms of knowledge such as ethics, religion and indigenous knowledge which are relevant to TOK. Within your TOK classes, you will also explore boundaries and overlaps between different areas of knowledge. This is a classic introductory TOK activity. Require students to write down, without any prior warning, several things that they claim to know. I ask them to put their names on the page, then write, in well formed sentences, five different knowledge claims in the form: “I know_____.” In TOK there are two types of knowledge claims. • Claims that are made within particular areas of knowledge or by individual knowers about the world. It is the job of TOK to examine the basis for these first-order claims.

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Claims that are made about knowledge. These are the second-order claims maåe_inTOK that are Like other ToK-related terms,"knowledge" marks a contestable concept.

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Second order knowledge claims: Claims made about knowledge itself. Examples: Mathematical knowledge is certain. Get in time with the beat of the ToK Presentation and Essay assessment heart Knowledge questions and knowledge claims are super central to ToK, in fact, the subject is based on them! In this section we’re going to learn what they are. Then we’ll think about some examples and how they might come up in your presentations and essays. Also, these questions are general in nature, meaning that they aren’t specific bout one subject. These questions are usually meant to not only examine but also engage with Knowledge Claims related to real-life situations.

Looking at this topic through the magnified lens opens up a wide avenue of contestability on the acceptance and rejection of the knowledge claim based on trust. This is a second-order knowledge claim because it is about mathematical knowledge. We establish this by examining the methods of mathematics themselves using the tools of TOK. … About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 2020-09-04 KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS (KQs) Knowledge Questions are the heart of TOK. A TOK Knowledge … Theory of knowledge (TOK) is a compulsory core subject of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. It is marked on a letter scale (A-E) and aims to "provide an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know." Students must not receive an E or they will not receive their Diploma. “Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge. We deem this to be a relatively difficult question to answer, specifically because the element of ‘trust’ is crucial to this question.
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We establish this by examining the methods of mathematics themselves using the tools of TOK. Formulating a knowledge question is a critical part of writing a theory of knowledge essay. Knowledge Questions are normally open-ended, which mean that they don’t just need a yes or no answer.

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A relativistic approach to history cannot generally be maintained (you cannot both claim the holocaust happened and that it did not happen). In TOK there are two types of knowledge claims. Claims that are made within particular areas of knowledge or by individual knowers about the world. It is the job of TOK to examine the basis for these first-order claims.

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our journey through the IB TOK Skip to content. TOK14 Student Blogs and Twitter; The first one is known as The “First Order Knowledge Claims“. Fundamentally referring to knowledge that is made within particular areas of knowledge or by individuals knowers about the world.