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Kursplan - Örebro universitet

(PSI) to describe the “seeming  Horton and R. Richard Wohl's article “Mass Communication and Para-Social. Interaction.” This article was the first to delve into the parasocial relationship between. Advertising is a communication work that exist almost in every part of our life para-social interaction are important issues when it comes to media influence. Parasocial relationships are cultivated by the media to resemble face-to-face relationships.

Mass communication and parasocial interaction

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Psychiatry: Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 215-229. Mass communication and para-social interaction; observations on intimacy at a distance Psychiatry. 1956 Aug;19(3):215-29. doi: 10.1080/00332747.1956.11023049. DOI: 10.1080/00332747.1956.11023049 Corpus ID: 34355530. Mass communication and para-social interaction; observations on intimacy at a distance.

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The new mass media are obviously distinguished by their ability to confront a member of the audience with an apparently intimate, face-to-face association with a performer. Mass Communication and Para-social Interaction. Donald Horton and R. Richard Wohl. Extract from Horton, Donald and R. Richard Wohl (1956): 'Mass Communication and Para-social Interaction: Observations on Intimacy at a Distance', Psychiatry 19: 215-29.


medier; influencer marketing; Instagram; kvalitativ studie; Communication Studies; Shakespeare's Hamlet is a nuanced play that illustrates revenge, madness, and complex relationships. av L Nord · 2010 — mellan public service och kommersiell tv, liksom mellan olika kommer- ”Mass Communication and Parasocial Interaction: Observations on Intimacy.

PUB TYPE. Speeches/Conference Papers (150) -- Reports Hierarchical multiple regression analysis identified news affinity, perceived news realism, and information news viewing motives as salient predictors of parasocial interaction with a favorite local television news personality. Implications of results were discussed in light of uses and gratifications research and communication interaction.
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av L Hermelin · 2019 — Användningsteorin, parasociala relationer, parasocial interconnectedness, development of social media has changed how the relationship occurs between  av E Karlsson · Citerat av 1 — Word-of-mouth, Parasocial Interaction, Opinionsledare, Tvåstegshypotesen, effektiv marknadsföringsmetod (Cure Media, 2016; United Influencers, 2016). Lazarsfeld, Paul F & Robert Merton (1948) “Mass Communication, D. & Wohl, R.R. (1956) “Mass communication and para-social interaction. Examinator Emilia Rovira.

https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-09923-7_7. First Online 06 November 2015; DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-09923-7_7; Publisher Name Springer VS, Wiesbaden Vol. 19 #3 MASS COMMUNICATION AND PARA-SOCIAL INTERACTION. One of the striking characteristics of the new mass media-radio, television, and the movies-is that they give the illusion of face-to-face relationship with the performer.
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PDF The Psychology of Social Networking. Volume 2

Viewers or listeners come to consider media personalities as friends, despite having limited interactions with them. PSI is described as an illusionary experience, such that media audiences interact 2015-03-30 1989-02-01 Parasocial Interaction.

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2016-11-08 Mass communication and para-social int eraction: Observations on intimacy at a distance von .