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redact. redact - Dictionary definition and meaning for word redact. Definition ( noun) someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication. Synonyms :  WordSense Dictionary: redact - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ translations, redacts, present participle redacting, simple past and past participle redacted). What Does Redaction Mean? Redaction is a form of editing of a physical document by means of censoring, but not necessarily omitting, specific words,  18 Apr 2019 A redacted document is one "edited especially in order to obscure or remove sensitive information," Merriam-Webster notes, and that's just what  What is another word for redact? · To fix, correct, revise or improve (a text or document) · To hide or conceal something (literally or figuratively) · To edit out rude,  Kwaliteit: Video shows what redacted means.

Redacted meaning

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What Area Is Dial Code 01625. 01625 Phone Code. Redacted information for disclosure.pdf. What Area Has Dialing Code 01625. FOI046617 Response.pdf. Reda Referenser.

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(adjective) The government released the redacted document, so most of it was blacked out as secret. Redaction is a form of editing in which multiple sources of texts are combined (redacted) and altered slightly to make a single document.Often this is a method of collecting a series of writings on a similar theme and creating a definitive and coherent work.


Well, it was redacted . Ну, жалоба отозвана.

It is located Northeast of Catty Corner.There are only 2 chest spawn locations here and very little loot else-wise, so it's rather impractical to land here except for a challenge. It may be a vault where vaulted items are kept, similar to the vault under Loot Lake.There are several buildings, and sanbags piled up on the road.
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To draw up or frame (a proclamation, for example). 2. To make ready for publication; edit or revise. 3. To delete or remove (private or sensitive information) from a document in preparation for publication.

Edited or censored. (adjective) The government released the redacted document, so most of it was blacked out as secret. correct, rectify, repair, fix. 1.1.
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The definitions of the word Redacted has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Redacted. You can listen to the pronunciation of the word Redacted in clear voice from this page online through our voice dictionary a unique I redacted my novel from 1000 pages to 800. redact [sth] vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." US (obscure, delete: secret information) eliminar⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("di la verdad", "encontré una moneda").

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(verb) An example of to redact is to create a legal docume The meaning "edit" doesn't necessarily conflict with the sense of "deleting or censoring". Government documents which are "redacted" were edited for presentation, in that some content was removed before they were presented. When you have a document which you are forced to give to someone else (such as when a government responds to a freedom-of-information request) any edits to the document The redacted information includes the names of departmental employees and the name of an employee of one of the affiliated companies. gnb.ca. gnb.ca. Les renseignements édités comprennent les noms d'employés du ministère ainsi que le nom d'un employé de l'une des sociétés affiliées. 2021-03-19 adjective.