Digitala quiz i undervisningen - En blogg om och med lärande
Mentimeter – utmärkt för snabba avstämningar! – Patricia Diaz
We transform presentations, meetings and lectures one Menti at the time. Go to or download the Menti app and use code 22 97 15 to participate in today's sermon survey. We will review results live during this Enter the code and participate. Let's hear your opinion!
Mentimeter is an interactive presentation platform that transforms conventional presentations into interactive experiences where If you've ever attempted to log into Menti Com Login, you're well aware of how perplexing and frustrating the process can be. However, we've made it easy for you. To get started, simply click on the links below. They are the official Menti Com Login links, and we do our best to keep them current. Provided by Alexa ranking, has ranked N/A in N/A and 389,426 on the world.
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When you create your presentation, a temporary voting code used for accessing the voting appears at the top of the presentation: The world’s most popular web-based audience interaction tool now has an official voting app! Presentations are created at Mentimeter. Mentimeter is the most popular audience interaction tool with its simple interface and great variety of uses. Presenters, lecturers and event managers that use Men… Share your opinion during Mentimeter presentations with the Menti voting app via your smartphone or tablet. Join the session by simply entering the digit code and answer the questions the presenter has prepared for you! No need to register for an account - your opinions stay anonymous.
Create your free account today: video will give you an overview of how to create and host a Mentimeter Quiz. The Mentimeter Quiz q
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Moderator menti. Ask them during the webinar Q&A through A link to the site and a code needed for access will be provided below the webinar window during the Mentimeter är ett presentationsverktyg och responssystem. Du kan som föreläsare ställa frågor till din publik och låta dem svara anonymt med sina bärbara Mentimeter. Logga in på i din webbläsare med koden 446610.