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The best build for Viktor in paladins 2020 💛Subscribe for more and stuff!💛i made a discord channel to hang out with you guys :phtt Best loadout for Viktor! Viktor. The former commander of the Sentinels, an elite Magistrate military unit, Viktor lives in the shadow of his former glory. He took the blame for what happened during their final mission, was stripped of his rank, and reassigned to a lower position by Grand Magister Karne.
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As a frontline, Viktor's Barrage will be blocked by your shield if the center of the blast is outside your shield. The missiles are just a visual effect, and the explosions actually spawn at ground level.
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Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Jon Viktor is a fierce blitz player and has many great ideas in openings. As a frontline, Viktor's Barrage will be blocked by your shield if the center of the blast is outside your shield.
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