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LHC-forskare upptäcker första bevis på att partiklar föreslås nästan
As in our previous analysis, this part of our program aims at the Odderon∗ Lech Szymanowski† LPT, Universite´ Paris XI, CNRS, Orsay, France, Universite de Lie`ge, Belgium and SINS Warsaw, Poland Abstract We study the exclusive production of J/ψor Υ in ppand pp¯ colli-sions, where the meson emerges from the pomeron–odderon and the pomeron–photon fusion. We estimate the cross sections for these pro- The TOTEM and DØ teams compared LHC proton–proton data (recorded at collision energies of 2.76, 7, 8 and 13 TeV and extrapolated to 1.96 TeV), with Tevatron proton–antiproton data measured at 1.96 TeV, and found evidence again for the odderon.When the teams combined the result with measurements at much smaller scattering angles at 13 TeV by the TOTEM collaboration, the significance of the The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information to the pomeron and to the odderon, taking into account the anomalous dimensions from some QCD beta functions with dynamical corrections, i.e., considering that the dilatonic field became dynamical satisfying the Einstein equations in five dimensions. Actually, we first consider the anomalous Odderon. The odderon, the counterpart of the pomeron that carries odd charge parity was introduced in 1973 by Leszek Łukaszuk and Basarab Nicolescu.
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The possible contribution of Odderon The Pomeron and Odderon ideas have stuck around, and scientists have previously found experimental evidence for the Pomeron, but not the Odderon. QCD describes the Pomeron as protons exchanging an The odderon takes its name from the fact that it appears as an odd-number of gluons moving together. Meanwhile, the more commonly seen quasiparticle made up of an even number of gluons is called a If that number is even, it's the work of a pomeron quasiparticle; the other option – which seems to happen much less often – is an odderon quasiparticle, a compound with an odd number of gluons. Until now, scientists have been unable to spot odderons in experiments, even though theoretical quantum physics has suggested they should exist. Blend of odd + pomeron. Noun . odderon (plural odderons) The hypothetical counterpart of the pomeron, carrying odd charge parity.
Pomeron - Pomeron - qaz.wiki
The possible contribution of Odderon The Pomeron and Odderon ideas have stuck around, and scientists have previously found experimental evidence for the Pomeron, but not the Odderon. QCD describes the Pomeron as protons exchanging an The odderon takes its name from the fact that it appears as an odd-number of gluons moving together. Meanwhile, the more commonly seen quasiparticle made up of an even number of gluons is called a If that number is even, it's the work of a pomeron quasiparticle; the other option – which seems to happen much less often – is an odderon quasiparticle, a compound with an odd number of gluons. Until now, scientists have been unable to spot odderons in experiments, even though theoretical quantum physics has suggested they should exist.
Odderon-Pomeron interference - Lunds universitet
2019-04-10 · For this purpose, we employ an effective Lagrangian approach by using the tree-level Born approximation, and various experimental and theoretical inputs. As a theoretical setup, the vector-like Pomeron ($C=+1$) and Odderon ($C=-1$) are taken into account as parameterized two- and three-gluon exchange contributions, respectively. Pomeron is a Reggeon with the intercept close to 1. At what stage is it necessary to introduce a field theory in the regeon-pomeron-odderon model of hadron TY - JOUR. T1 - Spin-dependent Pomeron and Odderon in elastic proton–proton scattering.
Chung-I Tan June 29-July 3, 2009, CERN 13th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering High Energy scattering after AdS/CFT R. Brower, J. Polchinski, M. Strassler, and C-I Tan, “The Pomeron and Gauge/ String Duality”, JHEP 0903:092,2009, (hep-th/0603115.)
Odderon-Pomeron interference Brodsky, Stanley J.; Rathsman, Johan LU and Merino, Carlos () In Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 461 (1-2). p.114-122
In this paper we extend our recent non perturbative functional renormalization group analysis of Reggeon Field Theory to the interactions of Pomeron and Odderon fields. We establish the existence of a fixed point and its universal properties, which exhibits a novel symmetry structure in the space of Odderon-Pomeron interactions. As in our previous analysis, this part of our program aims at the
Protons are made up of quarks and gluons, that briefly form Odderon and Pomeron particles.
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In the conformal limit, both the weak-coupling BFKL Pomeron and Odderons correspond to J-plane branch points, e.g., the BFKL Pomeoron is a cut at j(+) 0 When it’s an even-numbered group of gluons (two, four, etc.), we call it a pomeron. When the number of gluons in the group is odd (three, five, etc.), well, you guessed it: That’s an odderon. We consider the first LHC data for pp collisions in the framework of Regge theory. The integral cross sections and inclusive densities of secondaries are determined by the Pomeron exchange, and we present the corresponding predictions for them. The first measurements of inclusive densities in midrapidity region are in agreement with these predictions.
RC Brower, MS Costa, M Djurić, T Raben, CI Tan. Journal of High Energy Physics
2020年5月15日 from the nonlinear small-x evolution equations. While both Pomeron and Odderon contribute to helicity-flip processes in general, in the forwa. The odderon, the counterpart of the pomeron that carries odd charge parity was introduced in 1973 by Leszek Łukaszuk and Basarab
Tensor pomeron, vector odderon and diffractive produc- tion of meson and baryon pairs in proton-proton collisions.
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• Pomeron as a Reggeized Massive Graviton: (Confinement ). • Kalb-Ramond Field and Odderon :. Sep 18, 2019 Here, we present recent studies for the central exclusive production (CEP) of фф pairs in proton-proton collisions. We consider the pomeron- Strong coupling expansion for the conformal pomeron/odderon trajectories.
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Pomeron - Pomeron - qaz.wiki
odderon (plural odderons) The hypothetical counterpart of the pomeron, carrying odd charge parity. Translations . Pomerons and odderons At low energies, differences in pp vs pp̄ scattering are due to the exchange of different virtual mesons. At multi-TeV energies, on the other hand, proton interactions are expected to be mediated purely by gluons.