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Se hela listan på Art. 57 FW - Artikel 57 Faillissementswet - Artikel 57 1. Pand- en hypotheekhouders kunnen hun recht uitoefenen, alsof er geen faillissement was.2. Bij de verdeling kunnen uit eigen hoofde mede de beperkt gerechtigden opkomen, wier recht vóór de faillietverklaring was gevestigd, maar door de executie door een pand- of hypotheekhouder is vervallen, voor hun recht op schadevergoeding, bedoeld This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database Index of literature and research that informs teaching, learning, and future directions of research in the field of dance education. Trial access available through April 30, 2021.Please share your input on this product. Use quotation marks to search for an "exact phrase".
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Right of Inspection and Information. Without prejudice to the protection of confidential information, Members shall provide the competent authorities Architectural acoustic readings taken in and around the building confirm the high expectations: R'W = 57 dB - easily satisfying superior noise-protection Recalling its resolution 57/169 of 18 December 2002, in which it accepted regard for the protection of privacy and personal data, on decisions and legal. Art. 57 Mw - Artikel 57 Mededingingswet - Artikel 57 De bestuurlijke boete bedraagt ten Foutmelding: Fout bij het ophalen van informatie uit onze database Jul 30, 2018 Article 57 product data (XLSX/7.3 MB) (updated) · product name (product short name: brand name or the concatenation of the generic name and In this tutorial we will use the well-known Northwind sample database (included in MS Alfreds Futterkiste, Maria Anders, Obere Str. 57, Berlin, 12209, Germany.
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Reproduktionstoxiskt (artikel 57c) säkerhetsdatablad enligt förordning personlig skyddsutrustning som avses i avsnitt 8 i säkerhetsdatabladet) för att.
Since 31 December 2014, MA holders have the legal responsibility of keeping the information about their products up-to-date and to improve the quality of the information in the article 57 database. MA holders are urged to carefully check the registered reports of their various medicines in the database and to correct them if necessary, in accordance with the instructions published on the EMA
A first version of the Article 57 database was established in 2012 and by the end of 2014 contained approximately 500,000 medicinal product entries. Over the past years, the functionalities of the database have been further developed. Since January 2015 marketing authorisation holders are required to notify any changes impacting on the data
Article 57-- Precautions in attack 1. In the conduct of military operations, constant care shall be taken to spare the civilian population, civilians and civilian objects. 2. With respect to attacks, the following precautions shall be taken: (a) those who plan or decide upon an attack shall:
Artikel 57.
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The EU general data protection regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) will take effect on 25 May 2018. Unfortunately, Brussels has not provided a clear overview of the 99 articles and 173 recitals.
Afstand . Van het Uniemerk kan afstand worden gedaan voor alle of van een deel van de waren of diensten waarvoor het ingeschreven is. Van de afstand moet door de merkhouder schriftelijk kennis worden gegeven aan het Bureau. De afstand gaat pas in na inschrijving in het register.
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Introduction The Article 57 database delivers structured and quality assured information on medicinal products authorised in the EU that can support EU ter minologies of products, substances, and organisations Regulatory information on Article 57 database 09.02.2016 As of 1 February 2016 marketing authorisation holders of medicinal products for human use are no longer be required to submit type IA variations in relation to the Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) and Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF). (f) substances — such as those having endocrine disrupting properties or those having persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties or very persistent and very bioaccumulative properties, which do not fulfil the criteria of points (d) or (e) — for which there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to human health or the environment which give rise to an equivalent level of Electronic submission of Article 57(2) data EMA/159776/2013 Page 4/75 3.16.2. Population of presentation name elements for medicinal products with multiple trade PSUR Repository und Artikel 57-Datenbank: Hinweise zu Verpflichtungen der pharmazeutischen Unternehmer.
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Bij de verdeling kunnen uit eigen hoofde mede de beperkt gerechtigden opkomen, wier recht vóór de faillietverklaring was gevestigd, maar door de executie door een pand- of hypotheekhouder is vervallen, voor hun recht op schadevergoeding, bedoeld OryzaGenome was implemented on a UNIX server with CentOS version 7, Apache/Tomcat web server and PostgreSQL Database server. Java and C++ were employed as server-side application languages. JavaScript was adopted to implement client-side rich applications. Artikel ini menyediakan gambaran umum dasar tentang struktur database Access. Access menyediakan beberapa alat yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membiasakan diri dengan struktur database tertentu. Artikel ini juga menjelaskan bagaimana, kapan, dan mengapa Anda menggunakan masing-masing alat. Article 57 of Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 (1) provides for the European Medicines Agency to establish a database on medicinal products authorised in the Community to be accessible to the general public — the so-called EudraPharm database (2).